ScriptTech is redefining test automation with
the TMX/TP Solution
The flexibility and efficiency of TMX
combined with the power and functionality of TestPartner
to create the most effective test automation tool for your
QA projects - allowing true keyword based testing
for non-technical analysts. Now - business analysts can
create and maintain powerful TestPartner executable scripts
without extensive and time-consuming training.
ScriptTech has produced the following
videos and documents to assist your team in understanding
TMX, its components, and how it works with
TestPartner. With TMX/TP, your non-technical
business and QA analysts can generate executable code quickly
and effectively.
Start with the TMX/TP
Introduction to begin your re-definition
of automated testing.
TMX/TP Videos:
- The TMX/TP Solution: A series of videos
related to the TMX/TP Solution
- Introduction:
Overview of the TMX/TP Solution
- Interface: Importing objects through
TestPartner into TMX (work in progress)
- The TMX/TP Database: Overview of
the TestPartner database in TMX (work
in progress)
- The TP OM Script: Review object mapping
using the TP OM Script (work in progress)
TMX Videos:
- Installing
TMX: Once downloaded, this video walks you
thru installation of TMX (2:47)
- Logging
On: Logging in to TMX for
the first time (3:05)
- TMX Quick Tour: A series of videos
that explore the main components in additional detail.
- Introduction:
Review of TMX components and
navigation (2:23)
- Tests:
Test creation, editing, and functionality
- Sets:
Creation of Test Sets, maintenance and execution
- Objects:
TMX Objects (9:41)
- Actions: Creating and maintaining
actions in TMX (work in progress)
- Admin: Review of the TMX
Admin functions and tools (work in progress)
- Help: The help functions of TMX
(work in progress)
TMX Evaluation Request:
Evaluation copies of TMX/TP can be requested
using the link below. Please complete the request form,
including your name and contact information.
TMX Evaluation Copy